Monday 27 February 2012

My final front cover.

I am so happy with this cover page. I feel that my stories are newsworthy and people would want to read into the stories. I am extremely pleased with how the main image looks as I had to play around with it slightly and i was worried that it wouldn't work on the page, however I think it looks affective and due to the fact that he is smiling it promotes the story as it makes it look light hearted therefore people will want to read it.

Monday 20 February 2012

Nearly finished

All I need to do now to make sure that my front page is entirely finished is to add a website address at the top of the page, add a website name to the advertisement at the bottom of the page and finish the experience days advertisement to the right of the page.

UPDATED: Newspaper with second advertisement to the right.

I took and image using a borrowed professional camera of origami birds hanging on a relatives ceiling. I thought that they looked really artistic so i thought that they would look great in a photography shot. I am happy with the look of it.

UPDATED: newspaper with new advertisement to the right.

I am really happy about how my front cover is turning out I am excited to finish the page as i then want to get feedback from people to see what their opinions of the newspaper cover are.


I took a picture of a student that was walking around the college in a previous project and I thought that it would work well on my newspaper as I would be able to cut him out relatively easy and pose him on top of a plain coloured background. Here he is cut out and I will now put him on a light blue rectangle on the right hand side of the front page and I will use it to advertise a South Downs college open day.